Monday, March 18, 2013

A Shout-Out to All You Moms!

While there is no road map for raising children, I often wonder, "Am I doing this right?" Unfortunately, guilt sometimes accompanies the decisions I make and the actions I take as a parent. As moms, we can compare ourselves to other mothers. We scan facebook, and suddenly feel guilty as we see posts and pictures of the mom who has endless energy to bake healthy treats, take her kids on educational outings everyday and still keep an immaculate house. We never read posts about moms who lose their temper and yell at their child for scratching deep grooves into their coffee table with the tip of an umbrella (confession: that was me). So we condemn ourselves and continue on in our endless pursuit to be "that mom who has it all together". Well, enough is enough! We may not be perfect, but God designed us to be exactly the kind of mom our children need us to be. And with His help, we can be moms who are Christ-like which is far superior than any made-up version we have in our heads.

With that said, here's a shout-out to:

- The mom whose kid is screaming in the shopping cart- I won't judge you because I've been there (haven't we all)!

- The mom who works full time- you go girl! You truly amaze me with how you balance it all (yes, you Dana Oswald!)

- The mom who is raising teenagers and pre-teens- I haven't been down that road, but it's challenging and you deserve a pat on the back!

- To the mom who feels guilty about her kid watching back-to-back episodes of Thomas the Tank Engine so she can get some stuff done- don't feel guilty, a little TV never hurt a kid and it's important for us moms to feel like we are productive!

- To the mom who buys store-bought cookies and frozen lasagnas, we aren't all Betty Crockers and that's okay!

- To the mom who homeschools, I don't know how you do it, but way to go!

- The the missionary mom who balances motherhood and ministry, you're expanding God's kingdom both within your home and outside it!

- To the mom who sometimes cries at night because it all seems so overwhelming, it's a normal feeling and you are not alone!

- To the first-time mom with a sleepless newborn, it does get easier (eventually)!

- To the mom who has had to learn algebra all over again so she can help her teenager with his homework, graduation day is around the corner!

- To the mom with a baby, toddler and kindergartener, congratulations on remaining sane!

- To the mom who is still in her pajamas at lunch time, some days are like that and who says you have to be dressed to be productive!

I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture. We are all in different stages and seasons of motherhood, but each one is uniquely challenging and rewarding. Keep on, all you super moms!