Thursday, January 31, 2013

A New Year...

My New Year's resolution for 2012 was that I start a blog and post at least once a month. I did a fairly good job- I didn't post every month but I made up for it by posting twice in some months. :) I wanted to have the same resolution for this year. As you can see, it is January 31 and I have only two hours before  February makes its appearance.

Last night I lay awake trying to think of something interesting, though-provoking or original to write about. Well...nothing came to me.

So, I thought I'd write something about the new year- not the usual stuff on resolutions and all that jazz.   I want to focus on my hopes for the new year:

I hope to SURVIVE another year of motherhood. I hope to survive sickness, exhaustion, temper tantrums and continual self-sacrifice as I tend to the needs of my beloved children. As much as I love them, I'll be honest, there are some days when I fantasize about my golden years when my boys are grown up and living their own lives. I long for the day when I can simply plop down on the couch a read a book cover to cover and take a shower without worrying whether the baby is crying or whether my three year old is using my bed as a trampoline. 

I hope to ENJOY my children. Yes, as I previously mentioned, there are times when a mom just has to focus on survival. But I don't want to miss out on all the wonderful moments along the way. The simple pleasures of cuddling on the couch, singing lullabies at night and kissing the soft skin on their chubby cheeks; seeing the world through their eyes as they ask questions about the things around them; and hearing "I love you" when it is least expected.

I hope for PEACE in my life life. I seek freedom from worry and anxiety. At times, it feels like I am stumbling around carrying a backpack filled with useless bricks. The bricks serve no purpose but to exhaust me and slow me down. I hope to learn how to cast my "bricks" upon Christ, for He cares for me (I Peter 5:7).

I hope to MINISTER to those living in my community-especially women. I pray that the Lord will use me as His vessel to bring light and hope to women who do not know Him. 

I hope to LEARN more about God's Word, the culture of people we minister to and the issues that pertain to ministry. I pray for the ability to understand the limits of my own understanding and the humility to learn from others.

I hope to CREATE. I've realized that there is a part of me that needs a creative outlet. It is energizing for me to put my creative skills (however small they may be) to good use. Whether it is re-covering chairs or playing with mod podge- there is a great sense of satisfaction in knowing I created something truly original. How awesome it is to know that the ultimate Creator created us to have the same ability (on a much, much lesser scale, of course).

On my own, I couldn't hope to do any of these things. Thankfully, I serve a God who gives me all that I need.

"I can do everything through him who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:13).